
Japanese Sensei – Class Experience

 はじめまして!Codetots Japan通訳士の佐野 遥(さの はるか)です。
 Hello! I’m Haruka Sano, an interpreter at Codetots Japan.
 私は大学4年生で、アルバイトとしてCodetots Japanの授業の通訳をしてきました。
 I’m a 4th-year university student and I did interpreting for Codetots Japan as a part-time job.
 I worked for 4 months from October 2021 to the end of January 2022, every Saturday evening for one hour.
 Codetots Japanの授業の内容は、プログラミングです。
 Codetots Japan provides coding eduction.
 Using an online platform, an Indian teacher based in India teaches coding in English.
 The student is a Japanese child living in Japan. The classes are now all one-on-one.
 The teacher does most of the talking in class, so my job mainly is to interpret the teacher’s English into Japanese for the student.
 When the student talks in Japanese, of course, I do Japanese-to-English interpreting as well.
 今回は、私がこのCodetots Japanの授業の通訳をしていて「思い出すだけで笑顔になってしまうくらい嬉しかったこと」について書いてみようと思います。
 In this article, I’ll write about something from the classes which makes me so happy that I cannot help smiling whenever I remember it.
 The class I took care for 4 months was that of a female teacher, Ms. Puja, and a boy in his sixth year of the primary school, Hikaru.
 Ms. Puja talks English fast yet clearly and she leads classes with confidence underpinned by broad knowledge.
 Hikaru, on the other hand, is kind and innocent, which is rather rare for boys of his age. He is a little shy, but very smart.
 じつはCodetots Japanの授業のもうひとつの目的でもある、「英会話力/異文化コミュニケーション能力の向上」のほうは一筋縄ではいきませんでした。
 Hikaru’s coding skills improved rapidly.
 However, the other goal of the Codetots Japan classes, to improve English conversation skills and intercultural communication skills, was not easy to achieve.
 私が通訳に入るとはいえ、Codetots Japan運営チームやPuja先生は、ひかるくんが自分でも英語が話せるようになってほしいと考えていました。
 Although I interpret during class, the Codetots Japan Administration Team and Ms. Puja wanted Hikaru to be able to speak English by himself.
 But Hikaru is a Japanese boy, born and raised in Japan, and he is only 11 years old.
 In addition, he has a shy personality (Ms. Puja and I understood well that it also made one of his greatest charms)!
 At first, whenever Ms. Puja asked Hikaru to answer in English, Hikaru wondered what to say and became silent, even if the question was as simple as “What did you do today?”.
 ― Puja先生はそう思ったのでしょう、
 “Oh no, if this continues, our teacher-student relationship will become awkward before he comes to speak English!”
 ― Ms. Puja seems to have developed such concerns.
 She tried to make Hikaru engage in a casual chat, showed interest into Hikaru’s favorite things and told jokes now and then.
 For example, one day when Hikaru input “spiderman” into the app he made, Ms. Puja and Hikaru started an enthusiastic discussion about Spiderman and it lasted for 5 minutes or so.

 Seeing that, I, as an interpreter, had no choice but to try my best.
 To convey what Ms. Puja says to Hikaru without room for misunderstanding.
 To convey Ms. Puja’s friendly tone.
 To create an atmosphere that encourages Hikaru to speak English.
 And to convey the fun of jokes which Ms. Puja tells.
 (To be honest, the last one was rather tough!)
 I did everything I could do as an interpreter.
 英語も、「I’m fine!」だとか、「I did Karate today!」(ひかるくんの趣味はなんと意外も意外、空手なのです!)といった簡単なフレーズなら、ひかるくんはある程度自信を持って話してくれるようになりました。
 As a result, at the end of their course in January, Ms. Puja and Hikaru have built precious bonds almost similar to a parent-child relationship.
 Hikaru came to speak simple English with a certain degree of confidence. His English phrase repertoire included “I’m fine!” and “I did Karate today! (Surprisingly, Hikaru’s hobby was Karate!).”
Thank you so much for teaching me. I enjoyed your classes! I leant a lot. (教えてくださって本当にありがとうございました。授業、楽しかったです!たくさんのことを学べました。)”
 ― そんな内容だったと記憶しています。
 And when Hikaru’s last class approached to the end,
 Hikaru expressed gratitude to Ms. Puja by reading out an English text he wrote beforehand (probably with his mom’s help, but no one cares!)
 “Thank you so much for teaching me. I enjoyed your classes! I leant a lot.”
 That was his message.
 “Thank you for giving me the pleasure of teaching you. You are my favorite student and I love you. I’m looking forward to seeing you as a global leader in the future! (ひかるくんを教えられて私も嬉しかった、ありがとう。ひかるくんは私にとって、大好きで大切な生徒さんよ。将来グローバルリーダーになったひかるくんにまた会えるのを楽しみにしてる!)”
 Although the message was short and simple, Ms. Puja appreciated it.
 She replied,
 “Thank you for giving me the pleasure of teaching you. You are my favorite student and I love you. I’m looking forward to seeing you as a global leader in the future!
 I was delighted to witness such moments and I felt as if I was shared a portion of happiness from the two.
 “Keep the key of your happiness in your hand.(幸せの鍵を、いつも自分の手の中に持っておきなさい)”
 In the last class, Ms. Puja told a quote to Hikaru.
 “Keep the key of your happiness in your hand.”
 Seemingly, that was what Ms. Puja wanted Hikaru, who lived abroad and spoke a different language, to remember in his later life.
 I believe Hikaru appreciated the meaning of the quote and Ms. Puja’s consideration and love represented in it.
 “A very famous woman. I bet you already know her. (すごーく有名な女性よ。ぜったい知ってるはず)”
 “It’s Ms. Puja’s! (Puja先生のでした!)”
 “By the way, whose quote is it?” Hikaru asked in Japanese.
 “A very famous woman. I bet you already know her.” Ms. Puja answered.
 After Hikaru went “Hmmmm…,” wondering for a while, she said “It’s Ms. Puja’s!” with a mischievous smile.
 Hikaru screamed “Wowwwww!!!! Really?!?!” in a childlike, exaggerated manner, and everyone burst out laughing.
 - おわり –
 - END - 


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